Is it possible, after all the agony and ecstasy of the past ten months, that the first year of medical school is over? It is difficult for me to digest the reality that I am now 25% a physician (I know, it's odd, just hang in there with me). To say that this first year has been difficult would be an understatement. Since last summer my wife has lost her mother and I have lost my father. Money is tight as I attempt to house and feed a family of six. We live in a very small home where quiet study room is at a premium. Since last August my classmates and I have passed 55 semester hours of academic work (that's equal to almost 2 years of college study) as well as countless additional hours of lab. We have learned over 260 medications in basic pharmacology, studied entire textbooks (many of them numbering a 1000+ pages) and reviewed over 19,300 slides (yes, I counted them. I was curious). We have studied over 200 diseases and dissected an entire human body. Many of us have volunteered during afternoons and weekends for various activities to benefit the local community. Add to this the fact that I'm now over $100,000 in debt and you begin to get an idea of the realities of medical school. This is definitely
not for the weak of heart! There have been times in the past year when I wasn't sure I would make it. I am so grateful to God, Who has faithfully seen me through, and my wife and children who have offered nothing but support and encouragement.
Would I do it all again? You betcha. I knew coming into this that it wouldn't be easy. I knew that sacrifices would be needed. I remain convinced, though, that the final goal - becoming an excellent physician - is well worth the struggle. I feel very honored and blessed to be able to go through this experience and I know that DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, is making me an excellent physician.
For now, I'm not going back to the books. It's summer break. I think I'll sleep in tomorrow. :-)
Some of our studies during this first year. |